16th September 2024


UNITED AGAINST RACISM sends solidarity and May Day greetings to all workers everywhere and in particular to healthcare and other frontline workers serving us in this time of crisis.

Across the island of Ireland the contribution of frontline workers, including migrant workers, in the battle against the Coronavirus outbreak must be remembered post-pandemic.

Too often opportunist politicians and racists use such economic and social crises to scapegoat migrants and minorities and deflect from the real causes of the problems we face. Today, our health services – North and South – are sustained by a diverse workforce instead of – as some would say – being drained by migrants. We must remember that it is not the migrant workers but governments’ policies and those in power which drive down workers’ wages, terms and conditions. Migrants do not cause problems such as housing or hospital capacity. Immigration control is a ‘false conversation’ that is really about racism.

As we celebrate May Day, we must remember the asylum seekers fighting for decent living conditions and call for an end of the cruel Direct Provision System. Our brothers and sisters deserve the unconditional right to work.

May Day is about solidarity and unity of workers. Undocumented migrants in Ireland have been demanding justice for many years. We support their call: Undocumented People – Living here. Working here. Belong here!

Tens of thousands of workers including the Debenhams workers have lost their jobs during the COVID19 crisis. The workers should not pay the price for this pandemic. The government must act to protect retail workers.

From housing to health crisis to worsening economic conditions, it is the unity of the people and solidarity against racism that will advance workers’ rights and help us build different and a better world where nobody is left behind.

In this spirit we celebrate May Day 2020 with Dublin Council of Trade Unions and all other workers’ organisations North and South and we repeat Workers of the World Unite!

United Against Racsim


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