16th September 2024

PRIDE: Oppose Racism, Sexism and Homophobia

Over the last number of years Ireland has made incredible progress in the field of LGBT equality thanks to tremendous popular mobilisation and the hard work of thousands on activists. We have a new gay Taoiseach whose selection has been heralded as a marker of our progress but any person marching today knows that he is no progressive and that Ireland is not a nation of equals, and that sexism, racism and homophobia persist. We need to build solidarity between the LGBT movement, the repeal movement and the movement against direct provision and state racism. Our battles are interlinked and we need to prove that people power creates change and that we won’t stand for hatred or division.

  • We demand the end of the barbaric direct provision system and for amnesty for all asylum seekers, including the right to work. Ireland should welcome refugees not confine and deprive them.
  • We demand the state stop its collusion with brutal sexist and homophobic regimes like Saudi Arabia and the Trump administration. Ireland should stand up for dignity and human rights.
  • We demand a speedy referendum to repeal not replace the 8th amendment which has disproportionately effected working class people and migrants.
  • We demand real equality for the Travelling community.
  • We demand more work be done to assist LGBT refugees fleeing oppression in places like Uganda and Chechnya.

Pride has always been a political event. It began as an uprising against state violence directed at LGBT people. We must now use Pride to decry all aspects of state violence and neglect and to show our love and solidarity with all oppressed people.

Join United Against Racism’s Community Solidarity Picnic for asylum seekers, refugees, migrants and minorities in Phoenix Park on Sunday July 2nd

Visit https://www.united-against-racism.net/ to get involved in the fight for an equal Ireland.


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